martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


The sunbeams were burning the top of the highest trees; although they could not reach the ground due to the dense undergrowth, the air was so hot and there were such a level of humidity than Tom could scarcely breath.
He was crouched, hidden between the weeds, staring without blinking towards the scrub around him. Tom's body was motionless, while miles of flies were buzzing over his forehead's sweat, which he felt scorching in the cuts on his cheek.
Suddenly  his heart started pounding stronger than before, and he cringed  holding the breath, as he heard the spooky rustle of branches…

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013


It is really a traveller a good deal more adventurous than a tourist? Taking into consideration most opinions about this matter, it follows that differences between both of them are not as bigger as it is claimed.

What has given to the word "traveller"a meaning of courageous person, mingling with nature and local landscapes, is the stereotype that most of us have created in our minds. To put it another way: the image of the backpacker roaming with their dusty boots, and doing hitchhiking  in order to do "round the world" with barely spare change in their pocket, is significantly more attractive than this of the geek tourist  wearing white socks and flowered shirt.

However, this idea is certainly old fashioned: not only is the idea of the "superficial tourists" disappearing, but sometimes,  they are also considered like real experts about places that they visit. In fact, some of them have left their own countries and their life style, to become citizens in the tourist places where they had previously sightseeing during their holydays.

In contrast, some of the "so called travellers" who show off of being the bravest, and have the best knowledge about new spots, have neither interacted with any local habitant, nor investigated into its history or political situation, as some tourists are used to doing.

To conclude, nowadays the boundaries between the words mentioned above are actually blurred,  as a consequence, there is no point in discussing about that.